Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here there be humans.

Not much to update about.

I'm on track with my budget.

The whole two-jobs thing is taking its toll - but I'm still honored to have a future again.

I've paid my tuition and I'm ready for class. :D

Now if only some unseen body would just lay down a solution to the rubix cube that is my love life ...

And then offer up a woman like some sort of sacrifice ...

*walks away mumbling about dragons, knights and maidens fair


Andy Jensen said...

Sorry, Zach. I'd help you out on the love life thing but Adam took the last available female in my family and extended family. But here's a thought --- I hear Pam is having a girl so if you are really patient....

Things and Stuff said...

You and my daugther huh? Just what are your intentions here? Don't make me get my shotgun!