Sunday, August 31, 2008

To the place I belong.

I've made a decision.

I'll be moving to Selah in January, rather than to the Tri-Cities. After all, this job in Selah has offered me something that I really need: a healthier start in Seattle.

And Seattle is where I want to be!

I feel I can commit to living in Seattle indefinitely - without sacrificing self-image. And so Seattle is where I'll be ready for love. Seattle ... is where I can get my forever job. Buy my forever home.

It's true, I miss the Tri-Cities now - and the people there. But going back ... would be going back in more than the one way.

I see that now.

Following that frame of thought -
Living in Selah and using a small part of my savings to do a thing or two I've always dreamed of doing -
That's moving forward, isn't it?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

One Day More

The musical Les Miserables has ever been a part of me.
I was only a boy when I first heard the passionate swells ... and even then I understood.

I've always tried to live with Jean Valjean's strength.

I've tried to accept change in the way that Javert never could.

Whenever I've known heartache - I've thought of Eponine. Of her dejection, of her life ... and of its end.

Now I see a new connection:

At one point ... the day before a great battle ...

An old man gathers his daughter with the intention to run -
And so his daughter must leave her first and only true love.

The retched make a plan to steal from the dead and become rich -
As the rich make a plan to fight, and become free.

And an enemy makes a plan to lead the free - to their deaths.

All of these voices sound out in a cry! In a day's time life will never be the same!


Adam, my best friend, is going to be a dad soon. He can't know what to expect, but he's trying.

I can't be sure I'll recognize him.

My sister is moving into an apartment soon. She's never faced this kind of responsibility.

How will she cope?

My mother and father are going to be alone again soon.
My sister and I are moving - we'll be taking our pets, our stuff and our noise with us.

Can dad re-embrace the serenity he's apparently forgotten?

What will mom do with her time? Where will she find her meaning?

And what of me? Soon ...


So I have a decision to make. A decision that carries more weight than I've ever known:

Do I live in Selah and save for a future?

Or do I live in the Tri-Cities? Do I enjoy the time I have? With the people I love?


I've never been good at making friends. I wonder if I'll ever again make a friend quite like Adam ...

And I've been alone in a big city before.

I didn't cope with that well. I'm still spinning, still lonely. Six months in the Tri-Cities ... could be just the cathartic adventure I need.

But why can't I buy happiness? In Selah ...

I could save AND ... learn to ride a horse at the local academy! I could sky dive! Buy a Wii.

I could see Seattle whenever the mood strikes. For that matter, I could visit the Tri-Cities!


So here I am, confused. Some months ago, my life was stagnant. I was going nowhere.

I was stuck.

And now ... suddenly I have two options. Two ways to enrich my life.

Should I make the financially sound decision?
Or do I try to be around the people I love - with whatever time I can afford and they will allow?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here there be humans.

Not much to update about.

I'm on track with my budget.

The whole two-jobs thing is taking its toll - but I'm still honored to have a future again.

I've paid my tuition and I'm ready for class. :D

Now if only some unseen body would just lay down a solution to the rubix cube that is my love life ...

And then offer up a woman like some sort of sacrifice ...

*walks away mumbling about dragons, knights and maidens fair

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Park Middle School posse.

Wow! What an excellent weekend!

Gavin and his awesome wife were in the Tri-Cities. And on the very weekend I'd already chosen to visit! What are the odds?

There were parties:

Party One was the much-anticipated Barnes & Noble release for the fifth book by Stephenie Meyers. I love the Twilight series. :D

But this party ... :S

I think Adam and I were the only older guys around. And none of the women were clearly over 18.

So we felt we had to leave ASAP.

We had to avoid what seemed like an inevitable accusation.

(Don't worry, I still got to buy New Dawn.)

Party Two was a family-friendly get together with a lot of Adam's friends.

They're a good group.

And there was food.

What else can you ask for? :)

This party was where we met up with Gavin and Deidre (the above-mentioned awesome).

Reunions are usually sort of terrible for me. It's always such a pain to explain my situation ... it's heart-breaking. Embarrassing.

But not this time! I'm finally back on track, after all.

It feels SO good to finally say "I have a plan".

"My next check pays tuition costs for Fall quarter!"

I'm telling everybody.


I'll miss Gavin (until he gets back for Thanksgiving this November). His wife too.

Which, frankly, I find to be rather bizarre! I've spent, what, 6 or 7 hours with Gavin since middle school?

What right do I have to miss his company?

Gavin is a very lucky guy:

He's renting a 3-bedroom home. He's working at a job that uses his college degree. It pays well.

He didn't need to go and marry a pretty girl with a soul. That's just a slap in the face. :P